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Crack filling is actually crack sealing.  Unlike concrete, that has controlled joints sawed into it, asphalt does not.  So when asphalt naturally cracks over time there is no set pattern.

It is important to seal these cracks and keep water from entering the base stone.  This can cause the stone or sub-base to soften and become unstable.  Then the asphalt flexes more and can cause more extensive damage.  We provide crack filling for residential projects all the way up to high production on roads.  The cracks do not have to be filled all the way to the top, just enough to seal and keep water out.

There are many different types of crack fillers and we use three of the most common ones.  They are:  Cold Pour, Direct Fire Hot Pour and Oil Jacketed Hot Pour.  These products all have different characteristics which make them ideal for different customer needs.

We use cold pour crack filler on small cracks on residential driveways.  It penetrates into smaller cracks and blends in better once it is seal coated.  This product is not as flexible as the hot pour crack fillers.

The first type of hot pour crack filler is the direct fire crack filler.  It sets up firmer than other hot pour crack fillers, which make it less likely to allow car tracks to be visible in it.  Longer lasting than cold pour crack filler, it is more noticeable through sealer.  This product is used on some residential drives and small parking lots.

The last type available is oil jacketed crack filler.  This is used primarily on large lots and roads because it is the most flexible product.  Oil jacketed crack filler is the longest lasting and is the most visible through sealer.  Car tires can also leave imprints in it on hot summer days.

Crack Fill Road

Crack Fill Road

Crack Fill Parking Lot

Crack Fill Parking Lot